Matters such as health, living, mobility, education and child-rearing, city administration, and employment form part of the social infrastructure in the places in which we live, and for that reason they should be designed to create equitable living conditions for all people. However, it is increasingly the case that the profit motive dictates the way these matters are arranged. What would fair, truly social infrastructure look like, and can we achieve this?
Many people believe that nuclear power is the solution to the world's energy needs. This is often due to misinformation and half-knowledge. Because there is a lot to be said against it: For example, reactor disasters, the globally unresolved question of where to store highly radioactive nuclear waste, and the problematic extraction of uranium as the basis for nuclear power. The fact is that uranium has been radioactive for thousands of years and is therefore harmful to humans and the environment. So what is there to the idea that nuclear power is helpful and good for the future?
Why is the world the way it is? In the following you'll find an introduction to selected socio-ecological crises. It highlights the connections between the climate crisis, the ecological crisis, gender relations, abundance, privileges and unjust global power relations. You will learn about the connections between capitalism and historically evolved global structures of exploitation.
As the second-largest emitter of greenhouse gases, transportation is a driving factor for the climate crisis. Find out what politicians are doing about it, why these plans are being criticised by Chile's population and why workers' struggles and climate struggles go together. Afterwards, chat with Maxi from the future and find out how things could be done differently.
Energy is needed in all areas of life and the demand continues to rise. A large proportion of the supply is generated from fossil fuels, whose emissions are the main cause of the climate catastrophe. What alternatives we have to deal with the demand for energy is therefore a major issue. One solution that is often discussed is the use of hydrogen. But is this really the solution? Are there other alternatives?
Who runs the household when all the adult members of a family work eight hours a day? Coming home, picking up the children on the way and quickly doing some errands before cooking and tidying up - where is the time left for leisure, relationships or political work? You can find out here who still has this time, who doesn't and how things can be done differently.
Feminist urban planning strives to create cities that are fair for all genders. It's crucial to ask: For whom were these spaces constructed? What kind of life is facilitated here – and what kind isn't? Experience the daily lives of residents in various parts of a city with this interactive map, get to know their stories and issues, and learn how to organize in order to make cities more feminist and just.
Climate breakdown, economic decline, global inequality and growing poverty - one crisis follows the next. To build a sustainable world where humans and nature can coexist in the long term, we need a socio-ecological transformation. We analyze the root causes of current crises and demonstrate how, together, we can win for a better world for all.
For more staff, better wages, and humane healthcare! In recent years, the hospital movement has striked extensively to improve the situation of patients and employees. Find out here what role feminism plays in the fight against cost pressure and profit orientation in hospitals.
Prices are rising and rising. More and more people are asking themselves how they are going to survive the next few months in view of the high costs of energy and food. There is a lot of criticism of the government's measures, because the relief measures that have been decided are only a drop in the ocean for many. The political left protests for alternatives and demands redistribution. At the beginning of this discussion, there are many questions: what actually is inflation? How does the gas levy work? Are higher wages to blame for the increase in prices? Here you will find answers to these and other questions from the left perspective.
Uranium mining mostly takes place on the land of indigenous peoples in the Global South and poses extreme risks to the environment and to people’s health. Nuclear power is extremely costly, and scientists are still unsure about how to store radioactive waste. The Uranium Atlas provides an overview of data and facts that are important to answer questions about Uranium.
For many people, water is a resource that is simply always available rather than something they really have to think about. But things won’t stay this way. Recent summers in Europe have been marked by dryness, drought, dusty topsoil, and poor harvests. This documentary about the South African city of Cape Town shows the impact of severe water shortage.
This video explains in brief who owns Berlin. It dispels both the myth about the friendly, small-scale private landlord as a key player in the real estate market as well as the myth about property ownership being a form of universal social protection.
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