Pictures and Infographics

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Climate Catastrophe, Inequality, Exploitation - I'm Having a Crisis

Why is the world the way it is? In the following you'll find an introduction to selected socio-ecological crises. It highlights the connections between the climate crisis, the ecological crisis, gender relations, abundance, privileges and unjust global power relations. You will learn about the connections between capitalism and historically evolved global structures of exploitation.


Exiting the Crisis! - Understanding Crises and Paths to Global Justice

Climate breakdown, economic decline, global inequality and growing poverty - one crisis follows the next. To build a sustainable world where humans and nature can coexist in the long term, we need a socio-ecological transformation. We analyze the root causes of current crises and demonstrate how, together, we can win for a better world for all.


Critical Mapping - How the Power of Maps Shapes Our View of the World

Maps are not just in school atlases or on Google Maps. From political maps to climate crisis maps to navigation in sea rescue, maps shape our reality! In this article, you'll explore the origins of maps and what to consider when using them. Test your knowledge with our crossword puzzle!

Format: Images and GraphicsReading time: 10

What's Going on in Colombia?

The conflict in Colombia has established itself as the longest and one of the most complex armed conflicts in the world. Since colonial times, the country's history has been marked by violence, a racist violence that has led to extreme inequality in the distribution of wealth. This inequality in Colombia persists to this day and is a central point in the numerous violent clashes.


Workers against the Right

Authoritarian politics are on the rise worldwide. At the same time, humanity needs to fundamentally change the prevailing model of production and consumption (especially in the global North) to overcome inequality and exploitation and prevent ecological collapse. Using the examples of Colombia, the USA, Chile, India, France and Germany, we show how workers are opposing authoritarianism, racism and exploitation.


France: Trade Unions, Social Movements and the Yellow Vests

With the neoliberal reforms that Macron has rapidly implemented, social dialogue between social movements, unions and the government has become more difficult and fragmented. The French trade union movement is split along political lines into several umbrella organizations, and the level of organization has stagnated. The yellow vests have not been able to decisively change Macron's course. But they have rearticulated positions critical of capitalism and class struggle, also taking migrant struggles into the equation.


Federal Republic of Germany: Trade Unions and Antiracism

Labor struggles have a long tradition in Germany. Over time, they have not only focused on the demand for better working conditions, but have also been linked - albeit in a rather shy form at the beginning - to the anti-racist and anti-fascist struggle. Within the trade union political education programs, right-wing agitation was increasingly countered with a realistic picture of asylum and migration policy after the "Summer of Migration" in 2015.


India: Strikes and Self-organization

Since 2014, a coalition led by the right-wing Hindu nationalist BJP, Party of the Indian People, has ruled under Narendra Modi. India competes as a location for manufacturing companies. To attract international private capital, layoffs and crackdowns on unions have been made easier, and state-owned enterprises (including railroads, telecommunications companies and airlines) are to be privatized. In this complex situation, not only traditional unions and federations are organizing, but informal and migrant workers are also becoming part of a movement facing a major socio-political challenge.


USA: Working class against repression and racism

During the Trump presidency, U.S. unions initially opposed the rise of authoritarianism only symbolically. Over time, they acted more decisively. Where union members became active in the workplace, they succeeded in slowing the trend toward authoritarianism and sometimes achieved significant successes.


Forced Marriage in Germany

Many women are forced into marriage against their will. According to 2014 figures from UNICEF, 700 million women worldwide have undergone forced marriage. But what is at stake here? What is the difference between a migrant woman forced into marriage and a native-born woman forced into marriage? This article takes a closer look at this and other questions.

Format: Images and GraphicsReading time: 10

Feminicides in Germany

Feminicides are murders of women and people who are read as female by the perpetrators. These murders happen because the perpetrators devalue and hate everything feminine.

Format: Images and GraphicsReading time: 20

Chile: "It's not 30 pesos, it's 30 years!"

In 2019, Chile was swept by the largest revolt in its history. The uprising fundamentally changed the political situation. The right-wing government under billionaire Sebastián Piñera responded with military repression. At the height of the protests, there was a massive general strike that paved the way for a constitutional referendum. After two years of work by the constitutional convention, the new draft constitution was rejected in a referendum.


The Fight for Safe and Legal Abortion

Who owns our bodies? No struggle poses this question in such a radical way as the global fight for abortion rights.

Format: Images and GraphicsReading time: 30

Colombia: A Murderous "Democracy"

Colombia is considered the oldest democracy in Latin America. In fact, it is an authoritarian regime that has waged war against the population for over 100 years. How does the population resist? How do workers organize against injustice? Colombia: More than labor struggle!


Atlas of the stateless

The reality of people without citizenship is dramatic and yet invisible. Their civil and human rights often go unrecognized, they have no access to a healthcare system, education system, or the job market. In this Atlas, you will find facts and figures about the situation of stateless people across the world and possible ways we can change this reality. Take a look!


The Atlas of Migration

Learn more about the topic of migration with the Atlas of Migration. Migration is not particular to any one society. Many societies around the world are a result of human mobility. A wide range of myths and racist imagery has emerged around migrants’ movements, often portraying them as threatening.


Atlas of Enslavement

The Atlas of Enslavement provides an overview of the many forms of coercion and exploitation in various branches of the global world economy. In doing so, it creates awareness of the invisible realities of modern slavery. Through vivid graphics and with detailed facts, the educational material sheds light on the situation in different regions of the world.


Self-Management and Factory Occupation

Hundreds of workers around the world have organized to take over companies and organize labor in a way of equality and solidarity. What do reclaimed enterprises under worker control look like? What makes them special and what are the examples around the world? Take a look at this infographic!
