
On L!NX you can find many informative presentations for learning. Filter all the posts here for interesting formats for you!

Free Trade: Alternatives, Actors and Resistance

Modern world trade has its roots in colonialism and is determined by the economic interests of powerful governments and transnational corporations. Free trade is a trade policy that is supposed to bring more growth and prosperity for everyone involved. But who really benefits from it and at what cost? We examine how and why free trade came about, how trade could be made fairer and highlight movements that oppose the current world trade order.


Development: A North-South Debate

In the name of aid, progress, growth, empowerment or sustainability, development has always had the sense of being something "good" or "positive". But poverty and inequality are outcomes of the systematic and unequal integration of "poorer" countries into the global economic structures. Learn more about this with a timeline of western development politics, its criticism and movements fighting for alternative concepts to improve and change the world.

Bild von Weltkarte im Hintergrund. Schiff aus Kolonialzeiten mit Pfeil auf modernem Containerschiff und Bild von Faus die Widerstände Symbolosiert

Green Energy: Exploitative Strategies for the Energy Transition

Energy is needed in all areas of life and the demand continues to rise. A large proportion of the supply is generated from fossil fuels, whose emissions are the main cause of the climate catastrophe. What alternatives we have to deal with the demand for energy is therefore a major issue. One solution that is often discussed is the use of hydrogen. But is this really the solution? Are there other alternatives?


No Time for Care Work?

Who runs the household when all the adult members of a family work eight hours a day? Coming home, picking up the children on the way and quickly doing some errands before cooking and tidying up - where is the time left for leisure, relationships or political work? You can find out here who still has this time, who doesn't and how things can be done differently.


Exiting the Crisis! - Understanding Crises and Paths to Global Justice

Climate breakdown, economic decline, global inequality and growing poverty - one crisis follows the next. To build a sustainable world where humans and nature can coexist in the long term, we need a socio-ecological transformation. We analyze the root causes of current crises and demonstrate how, together, we can win for a better world for all.


PolyluxMarx - Supplementary Material for a Reading Course on Das Kapital

Want to read Das Kapital, but not sure where to begin? Marx’s famous foundational theoretical text is still hugely relevant, especially in times of lasting crises. However, he did not make it easy to follow his thoughts. For that reason, PolyluxMarx provides educational material to support readers as they start Das Kapital. It is also a resource for those who want to organize a reading course on the text.


The Atlas of Migration

Learn more about the topic of migration with the Atlas of Migration. Migration is not particular to any one society. Many societies around the world are a result of human mobility. A wide range of myths and racist imagery has emerged around migrants’ movements, often portraying them as threatening.


Atlas of Enslavement

The Atlas of Enslavement provides an overview of the many forms of coercion and exploitation in various branches of the global world economy. In doing so, it creates awareness of the invisible realities of modern slavery. Through vivid graphics and with detailed facts, the educational material sheds light on the situation in different regions of the world.
