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PolyluxMarx - Supplementary Material for a Reading Course on Das Kapital

Want to read Das Kapital, but not sure where to begin? Marx’s famous foundational theoretical text is still hugely relevant, especially in times of lasting crises. However, he did not make it easy to follow his thoughts. For that reason, PolyluxMarx provides educational material to support readers as they start Das Kapital. It is also a resource for those who want to organize a reading course on the text.

The early chapters of Karl Marx’s signature work Das Kapital are very difficult to understand. And we are not the only ones that think so—even at the time it was written, friends of Marx found his theories of commodity, value and other basic concepts in the book too complicated.

The Early Chapters of Das Kapital...

Based on his friends’ suggestions, Marx revised the beginning of the book to make it more comprehensible for people—from his point of view at least. Nevertheless, the first few chapters were still not easy to read. This video is our attempt to simplify the content.


...Made Easy!

In this three-minute film, Marx uses a telescope to observe the world from a distance. From this bird’s eye view, a closer look reveals the surface of a society organized by capitalism. Just like a hidden object puzzle, commodities are exchanged for money by the millions. Here, we show how Marx begins his analysis: with the commodity.

PolyluxMarx—First Volume

This education material is suitable for anyone reading Karl Marx’s Das Kapital by themselves, or for anyone who wishes to organize and hold a reading course on the first volume of the work. The material includes a collection of PowerPoint slides that present complex concepts and contexts in a simple way. A short guide at the beginning of the book offers tips and notes on how to adopt and present Das Kapital for political education purposes. Essentially, this guide is a collection of tips by youth leaders, for youth leaders.


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