Globalization and trade

Globalization means that the world is becoming increasingly connected, mostly in terms of the world market. We can therefore say that it is due to a market encompassing the entire world that everything can flow and be traded freely: raw materials, finished goods, services, but also capital and labour. At the same time, “free trade” in the globalized world produces antagonisms, i.e. winners and losers. This site offers educational material and other inspiring content on the topic.

Free Trade: Alternatives, Actors and Resistance

Modern world trade has its roots in colonialism and is determined by the economic interests of powerful governments and transnational corporations. Free trade is a trade policy that is supposed to bring more growth and prosperity for everyone involved. But who really benefits from it and at what cost? We examine how and why free trade came about, how trade could be made fairer and highlight movements that oppose the current world trade order.


Development: A North-South Debate

In the name of aid, progress, growth, empowerment or sustainability, development has always had the sense of being something "good" or "positive". But poverty and inequality are outcomes of the systematic and unequal integration of "poorer" countries into the global economic structures. Learn more about this with a timeline of western development politics, its criticism and movements fighting for alternative concepts to improve and change the world.

Bild von Weltkarte im Hintergrund. Schiff aus Kolonialzeiten mit Pfeil auf modernem Containerschiff und Bild von Faus die Widerstände Symbolosiert

G20 Summit - Profit and Protest

Heads of state and presidents of the most powerful industrial countries and emerging economies enjoy complete privacy at regular G20 summits, where they meet to negotiate economic interests. But the guest list is exclusive: poorer countries and representatives from social movements are not invited. In this four-minute video, learn about the backdrop of the G20 summit in Hamburg, which took place in the summer of 2017.


The Agrifood Atlas

The power of the food industry is distributed among fewer and fewer companies. This corporate atlas provides an overview of the main players and their business strategies, the various forms of corporate power and those who oppose and criticize this position of power.


The conscience of Clothing - Learning Worlds

In the learning worlds Fashion.Power.People we dive into the world of fast fashion and put the puzzle together. With infographics, portraits, puzzles and interactive elements, we focus on the various social, environmental, labor and economic aspects of the fashion world.


The New Silk Roads

With the Belt and Road Initiative, BRI for short, China wants to reactivate and further develop the historic Silk Road. This initiative is about reviving the Eurasian economic area. The main goal is to develop infrastructure for the trade routes, create trade relations and strengthen a network of key cities. Find out more in this short explanatory video.

Grafik: Man sieht Berge, Straßen und ein Notizblick auf dem BRI steht.