More and more expensive! - Questions and answers on inflation and the energy crisis

Prices are rising and rising. More and more people are asking themselves how they are going to survive the next few months in view of the high costs of energy and food. There is a lot of criticism of the government's measures, because the relief measures that have been decided are only a drop in the ocean for many. The political left protests for alternatives and demands redistribution. At the beginning of this discussion, there are many questions: what actually is inflation? How does the gas levy work? Are higher wages to blame for the increase in prices? Here you will find answers to these and other questions from the left perspective.

More and more expensive!
Inflation does not affect everyone equally. As is so often the case, the poorest are hit hardest, while the wealthy can rely on the increase in value of their real estate or land, for example. Worldwide, there are large majorities whose everyday lives are severely affected by inflation. This is because they have to spend more and more of their monthly income on buying basic produce, energy, mobility or rent. Due to the rise in prices, it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to provide for the basic needs of themselves and their families. Image: Supermarkt, ein Bild von Viki Mohamad,Unsplash

FAQ Inflation

Inflation is a threatening situation for many people. The understandable question of how long this will continue cannot be answered simply

We live and work in an economic order characterised by uncertainty and competition. The pursuit of profit drives the economy, often at the expense of people and nature. As long as we (have to) submit to this logic, the idea that government or science or the central bank has economic developments under control or that "our economy" will eventually be back in balance is an illusion. Instability is part of the core of capitalism, and inflation cannot simply be "turned off".


Fuel is becoming more expensive
As long as profit rules and we can only satisfy our needs by paying at the cash register, the question arises: How can people who have little money be supported when inflation is high? For example, an excess profits tax: companies that make above-average profits despite or precisely because of increased prices pay more taxes, and the money is used to relieve poorer households. The revenue could be used, for example, for targeted direct payments to poorer people. Those who have more money are left empty-handed. This makes more available for the needy. Another idea is a price cap: prices of certain goods are exempted from inflation up to a fixed consumption quantity. Image: Kraftstoff wird teuerer! Bild von Jonathan Kemper, Unplash

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