
Free Trade: Alternatives, Actors and Resistance

Modern world trade has its roots in colonialism and is determined by the economic interests of powerful governments and transnational corporations. Free trade is a trade policy that is supposed to bring more growth and prosperity for everyone involved. But who really benefits from it and at what cost? We examine how and why free trade came about, how trade could be made fairer and highlight movements that oppose the current world trade order.


Development: A North-South Debate

In the name of aid, progress, growth, empowerment or sustainability, development has always had the sense of being something "good" or "positive". But poverty and inequality are outcomes of the systematic and unequal integration of "poorer" countries into the global economic structures. Learn more about this with a timeline of western development politics, its criticism and movements fighting for alternative concepts to improve and change the world.


Can Green Capitalism Stop the Climate Crisis?

The destructive effects of capitalism on the environment are supposed to be transformed through the use of new technologies or ecological business models. But this cannot ensure genuine socio-ecological change and a good life for all. We need a system change based on the principles of solidarity and care.


What's the Connection Between Feminism and Hospital Strikes?

For more staff, better wages, and humane healthcare! In recent years, the hospital movement has striked extensively to improve the situation of patients and employees. Find out here what role feminism plays in the fight against cost pressure and profit orientation in hospitals.


PolyluxMarx - Supplementary Material for a Reading Course on Das Kapital

Want to read Das Kapital, but not sure where to begin? Marx’s famous foundational theoretical text is still hugely relevant, especially in times of lasting crises. However, he did not make it easy to follow his thoughts. For that reason, PolyluxMarx provides educational material to support readers as they start Das Kapital. It is also a resource for those who want to organize a reading course on the text.


The Uranium Atlas

Uranium mining mostly takes place on the land of indigenous peoples in the Global South and poses extreme risks to the environment and to people’s health. Nuclear power is extremely costly, and scientists are still unsure about how to store radioactive waste. The Uranium Atlas provides an overview of data and facts that are important to answer questions about Uranium.


Systematic Foul Play—The 2022 World Cup in Qatar

The inhumane working conditions at World Cup construction sites in Qatar have been making headlines for years. Despite this, little about the situation has changed. According to estimates, around 6,500 South Asian migrant workers have died since construction began. In this short film we take a look at the situation of the many “Guest workers” in Qatar.


The conscience of Clothing - Learning Worlds

In the learning worlds Fashion.Power.People we dive into the world of fast fashion and put the puzzle together. With infographics, portraits, puzzles and interactive elements, we focus on the various social, environmental, labor and economic aspects of the fashion world.


Atlas of Enslavement

The Atlas of Enslavement provides an overview of the many forms of coercion and exploitation in various branches of the global world economy. In doing so, it creates awareness of the invisible realities of modern slavery. Through vivid graphics and with detailed facts, the educational material sheds light on the situation in different regions of the world.
