Journal of feminist Struggles

The journal offers an insight into feminist struggles around the world. Current struggles against forced marriage of migrant women in Europe,organizing processes of women in Afghanistan or the struggle for the right to abortion in Colombia, Poland or in the USA are some examples of the struggle portraits that are addressed here in the journal.

With interviews, portraits and real examples of struggle, one learns about current struggles of the feminist movement.


Feminism means struggle!

Through these article-collection, you have the opportunity to gain knowledge and see how many levels the struggles occur.  Ultimately, they reach a common intersection - the pursuit of justice for all women* (all non-male persons such as women, lesbians, intersex, trans persons, and asexuals).



Feminist Struggles

What's the Connection Between Feminism and Hospital Strikes?

For more staff, better wages, and humane healthcare! In recent years, the hospital movement has striked extensively to improve the situation of patients and employees. Find out here what role feminism plays in the fight against cost pressure and profit orientation in hospitals.


Forced Marriage in Germany

Many women are forced into marriage against their will. According to 2014 figures from UNICEF, 700 million women worldwide have undergone forced marriage. But what is at stake here? What is the difference between a migrant woman forced into marriage and a native-born woman forced into marriage? This article takes a closer look at this and other questions.


Feminicides in Germany

Feminicides are murders of women and people who are read as female by the perpetrators. These murders happen because the perpetrators devalue and hate everything feminine.

Format: Images and GraphicsReading time: 20

The Fight for Safe and Legal Abortion

Who owns our bodies? No struggle poses this question in such a radical way as the global fight for abortion rights.
