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The Letters of Rosa Luxemburg

Here you can listen to excerpts from letters written by Rosa Luxemburg. Rosa reports on her everyday life in prison, reflects on the political situation, recounts her childhood memories, and shares her observations on nature.

Get to know Rosa Luxemburg, —a political figure with a fighting spirit, a passionate scientist, and a comrade committed to a life of solidarity

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Rosa Luxemburg was jailed four times during her life for her political activities: among other things, she was accused of high treason, of calling for conscientious objection, and “preventative detention”. But no matter where she was imprisoned, she remained a critical observer of her surroundings.


In a letter to Matilde Wurm, she angrily criticises ambiguous stance on war taken up by her social democratic comrades. She confides to Sophie Liebknecht, she confides: “You know that I really hope to die at my post, in a street fight or in prison.”


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